果酱视频 IDEAS Initiative


IDEAS logo

Est. 2019 at 果酱视频


IDEAS (Innovation, Diversity, Exploration & Advancement in STEM) Initiative is a volunteer organisation created to launch a multifaceted offensive against sexism in the natural sciences. The IDEAS Initiative is designed to oversee and coordinate activities that encourage the advancement of under-represented groups in physics. This is done through a two step multi-generational methodology: The Initiative will aim to develop the existing Canadian STEM community, then utilize this community to foster a love and passion of the natural sciences in adolescents across the nation. IDEAS Initiative programming emphasizes community and values-based education, fun, fostering a love of the sciences, leadership development, individual growth, and team-based problem solving.

The IDEAS Initiative was founded at 果酱视频 by graduate students in the Department of Physics, Engineering Physics & Astronomy. The IDEAS Initiative is supported primarily by the 果酱视频 Department of Physics, Engineering Physics & Astronomy, The Arthur B. McDonald Canadian Astroparticle Physics Research Institute, SNOLAB, and The Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada.

The IDEAS Initiative was formerly known as the GIRLS (Girls for Innovation, Research, Leadership & Science) Initiative.

IDEAS Programming

Since 2022, the IDEAS Initiative coordinated and contributed to the following activities:


Future Programming

The IDEAS Initiative is currently looking for institutional partners across Canada to host the IDEAS Summer Camp at additional locations in 2024. If interested, please contact us at physcamp@queensu.ca

Contact Info

For any questions regarding IDEAS Initiative, including those about programming and registration, please email us at: physcamp@queensu.ca

IDEAS Executive Team:

Jasmine Corning, Chairperson: j.corning@queensu.ca

Yilda Boukhtouchen, Operations Director: yilda.boukhtouchen@queensu.ca

Minya Bai, Executive Director: minya.bai@queensu.ca