Data Inventory

IRP has many data sets that we curate, for both internal and external reporting purposes. To better serve the University, we have put together this catalogue which names and describes each one so the public can be more aware of what data IRP can provide.

Note: These data sets are institutional and are representative of snapshots at a certain point in time (e.g., annually, quarterly, etc.). These data sets are not operational, and do not reflect live or daily information.

Additionally, as Queen’s is a member of the , a number of these datasets are also submitted to the U15 Data Exchange.




PeopleSoft Student Snapshots

A record-level snapshot of the PeopleSoft Student system, derived from the official process conducted by the Office of the University Registrar for Ministry reporting purposes. IRP curates our own internal file with additional derived fields and flags to use in institutional reporting (commonly referred to as the ‘OCUA’ files). Snapshots are taken in Fall, Winter, Spring and Summer. The Fall snapshot on November 1st is key in many University processes and dates to Spring 2000. Additional snapshots prior to 2000 are available based on legacy systems.

PeopleSoft HR (Human Resources) Snapshots

A record-level snapshot of the PeopleSoft HR system, generated by IRP and used for Institutional Reporting. Snapshots are taken three times per year on November 1st (for most data requests including Full-time University and College Academic Staff, UCASS (University and College Academic Staff System) submission with Faculty Relations), March 1st (Winter term), July 1st (Summer Term). The November 1st snapshot is a key data set in many University processes. PeopleSoft HR Snapshots date back to 2012.

HR LeaveJoin File

A record-level time series data set that indicates for each year whether the faculty member joined (hired), stayed (still active) or left (resigned, retired before or after normal retirement age, is deceased or is on LTD). This data set is derived from the Legacy system (1998 to 2011) and PeopleSoft HR snapshots (2012 onward).

HR Student Staff

A record-level time series data set containing student staff (Teaching Assistants, Teaching Fellows, Research Assistants). This data set is derived from the PeopleSoft HR snapshots.

HR Term Adjuncts

A record-level time series data set containing Term Adjunct information per person per course taught (or additional duties) from 2012 onward. This data set is compiled from the IRP in-house Term Adjunct database created from data sheets submitted by Faculty staffing officers.

HR Full-time University and College Academic Staff System (UCASS)

A record-level time series data set of the Queen's submissions to the Statistics Canada UCASS File from 2003 until present. The UCASS file is prepared and submitted by Faculty Relations with assistance from IRP. This data set is also part of the U15 Data Exchange.

HR Continuing Adjuncts

A record-level time series data set of continuing adjuncts derived from Legacy system data (1999 to 2011) and HR PeopleSoft snapshots (2012 onward).

Article 35

A time series data set of half-course equivalent sections and registrations by bargaining unit, instructor category, degree level and subject used for annual reporting for the collective agreement with QUFA.

Canadian Graduate and Professional Student Survey (CGPSS)

A record-level time series data set containing student responses to the CGPSS. This survey focuses on aspects of the graduate student experience. . This data set is also a part of the U15 Data Exchange.

Class Sizes

A time series data set of course enrolments and categories by term, used in reporting to Common University Data Ontario (CUDO) as well as Maclean's magazine.


A time series record-level data set of course enrolments and progress units by student used for the cross-teaching budget driver as well as the basis for service teaching provided for the ¹û½´ÊÓƵ Quality Assurance Process (QUQAP).

Degree Completion & Retention

A record-level time series data set used for Queen's submissions to the Consortium for Student Retention Data Exchange (CSRDE). This data set produces summary report data on cohort retention (continuation) and graduation within Queen’s for cohorts of full-time, new-to-institution, first-entry bachelor's students beginning in 2000. Demographic categories include gender and international status. This data set is also part of the U15 Data Exchange. A second submission for STEM students tracks continuation and graduation both within Queen’s and STEM-specific programs.

Student Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Indigeneity Data

A composite record-level time series of student diversity data compiled from Admissions, PeopleSoft Student/SOLUS, Applicant Equity Census, NSSE and CGPSS surveys curated by IRP on behalf of the Human Rights and Equity Office.

Graduate Time to Completion (Grad TTC)

A record-level time series data set of graduate student progression in degree programs reporting at various completion windows: Masters 5-year, Doctoral 5-year, Doctoral 9-year. This data set is also part of the U15 Data Exchange.

Graduate Student Financial Support (GSFS)

A record-level time series data set of funding and financial support (Tri-council, RA, TA, OGS, other) for graduate students. This data set is sourced from the PeopleSoft Student snapshots and award activity as well as PeopleSoft HR and Finance. This data set is also part of the U15 Data Exchange.

International Research Collaboration

A time series data set of the percentage of journal articles published with 1+ international co-authors. Sourced from Elsevier and available every 3 years.

National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE)

A record-level time series data set of student responses to the National Survey of Student Engagement, which surveys First and Senior year students on a variety of questions related to student experience, faculty interactions, and engagement at the University. . This data set is also part of the U15 Data Exchange, as well as part of the Canadian NSSE National Project.

Research Chair Appointments

A time series data set of the counts of Canada Research Chairs, Canada Excellence Research Chairs and Queen's National Scholars.

Research Intensity and Rank

A time series data set of the  Research Intensity ($100K/faculty member) and National Ranking from 2005.

Tri-Council Funding Share

A time series data set of Queen's share of the national total in all three Tri-Council Agencies (CIHR (Canadian Institute of Health Research), NSERC (Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council), SSHRC (Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council)) based on a 3-year rolling average.

Space Data

A data set of building space for the University from University Planning and the Budget Office. This data set is used in the budget model and the ¹û½´ÊÓƵ Quality Assurance Process (QUQAP).

Student First Term Active

A record-level time series data set of the year and term that a student began their studies at Queen's.

Undergraduate Demand Cycle Summaries

A time series data set of the undergraduate demand cycle summaries produced by the Office of the University Registrar (OUR).

University Student Assessment of Teaching (USAT)

A time series data set of the USAT teaching evaluations at Faculty and Departmental levels on the four primary questions of the USAT Survey.

Ontario Universities Application Centre Historical Statistical File (OUAC HSTAT)

A de-identified record-level time series data set of applicant information from OUAC by year. This data set is curated on behalf of the Office of the University Registrar.

Enrolment and Degrees

A record-level time series data set on enrolment (academic year) and degrees granted (calendar year). Enrolment information is sourced from PeopleSoft Student snapshots and degrees awarded information from PeopleSoft Student. This data set is part of the U15 Data Exchange.