Graduate News

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Graduate News

In the 2019-2020 academic year, the department welcomed five new PhD students and 23 new MA students.

After the COVID-19 pandemic required the university to close on March 16, 2020, the department established an internal emergency fund in recognition of the fact that many graduate students would immediately and severely be affected by unanticipated loss of employment and interrupted field research. Extra funding was reserved for those students experiencing extreme financial distress. In a show of support, many faculty members made personal contributions to the fund to assist graduate students in their time of need.

In May 2020, five PhD students and one incoming MA student were awarded funding for their respective research projects. Hannah Arsenault-Gallant was awarded the Canada Graduate Scholarship – Master’s (CGS M), which supports the development of research skills in students who demonstrate a high standard of achievement in undergraduate and early graduate studies. Fikir Haile, Lori Oliver, and Simon Marmura Brown were awarded Canada Graduate Scholarships – Doctoral (CGS D), and Elisha Corbett and Badriyya Yusuf were awarded SSHRC Doctoral Fellowships, both of which allow scholars to fully concentrate on their doctoral studies, seek out the best research mentors in their chosen fields, and contribute to the Canadian research ecosystem during and beyond the tenure of their awards.  

Hannah Arsenault-GallantHannah Arsenault-Gallant
Canada Graduate Scholarship – Master’s Program
Project: Is Animal 'Rights' the Right Approach? A Comparative Analysis of Abolitionism and the Citizenship Model as Responses to Welfarism

Elisha Corbett
SSHRC Doctoral Fellowship
Project: Media Framing of Murdered and Missing Indigenous Women, Girls, and Two-Spirit People in Canada

Fikir HaileFikir Haile
Canada Graduate Scholarship – Doctoral Program
Project: Governance Systems at Risk: Assessing the impact of urban expansion on ethnic federalism in Ethiopia

Simon Marmura BrownSimon Marmura Brown
Canada Graduate Scholarship – Doctoral Program
Project: Intolerance or Economic Anxiety: Understanding Ethno-national Movements in Canada

Lori OliverLori Oliver
Canada Graduate Scholarship – Doctoral Program
Project: Towards an Understanding and Undoing of the Hidden Nature of Single-Mother Led Family Homelessness in Canada

Badriyya YusufBadriyya Yusuf
SSHRC Doctoral Fellowship
Project: Impact Assessment of Internet Governance and Readiness for Emerging Technologies in West African Tech Hub Cities – Accra, Ghana and Lagos

Also in May, the department voted to add a new concentration option to the MA Program, titled “Nationalism, Ethnicity, Peace and Conflict.” Established in recognition of the considerable faculty strength in this area, the new concentration will incorporate existing courses and cluster them to allow students to gain a specialization and a small transcript designation.

This year, six PhD candidates within the department successfully defended their dissertations and graduated from the doctoral program. The department would like to extend congratulations once again to Dr. Raynold Alorse, Dr. Ali Bhagat, Dr. Robert Borras, Dr. Dalal Daoud, Dr. Maria Krause, and Dr. Rebecca Wallace!


Raynold Wonder AlorseRaynold Alorse
Dissertation Title: Business, Security and Human Rights: Governance Insights from Canadian Transnational Mining Firms in Ghana and South Africa
Supervisor: Andrew Grant

Completion Date: March 2020

Ali BhagatAli Bhagat
Dissertation Title: Governing Forced Migration in Racial Capitalism: Refugee Survival in Paris and Nairobi
Supervisor: Susanne Soderbergh

Completion Date: September 2019

Queen's Department of Political Studies LogoRobert Borras
Dissertation Title: The Island on the Hill: A "Kingdonian" Analysis of Congressional Decision Making on the Puerto Rican Question
Supervisors: Cathy Conaghan, , and

Completion Date: July 2020

Dalal DaoudDalal Daoud
Dissertation Title: Islamist Approaches to
Minorities in Sudan and Turkey

Completion Date: August 2020

Maria KrauseMaria Krause
Dissertation Title: Ethnic Projects & Ethnic Boundary-Making: The Agency of Re/Ethnicized Youth in Post-genocide Bosnia-Herzegovina & Rwanda
Supervisor: and

Completion Date: November 2019

Rebecca WallaceRebecca Wallace
Dissertation Title: Reading Between the Lines: Welfare Chauvinism and Depictions of Deservingness in Canadian Print News 
Supervisors: and

Completion Date: December 2019