Principal's Student Initiatives Fund



The Principal's Student Initiatives Fund supports student participation in projects devoted to the principles of personal growth and/or community service and engagement.


  • Projects and initiatives should be educational opportunities such as participation in competitions, symposia, conferences, festivals, and community development projects.
  • The project must not be related to academic programs such as a class lecture, lab, practicum, internship, or work placement.

 Interested students are required to complete .

When filling out the form you will be required to provide:

  • your name, student number, @queensu email address, mailing address, phone number, year of study, faculty/school, and program
  • name, description, and date/timing of your initiative
  • information about who will attend and/or benefit from the initiative and how it aligns with the selection criteria (above)
  • confirmation that you have emailed a detailed budget that includes: all income to date; projected expenses; a list of all fundraising activities; a list of departments, faculties and outside organizations you have approached for funding, and the outcome of those requests to Tasha Drexler 
  • estimated total budget for the initiative, how much money you are requestion from the Principal's Student Initiatives Fund, how the funds will be used, and other sources of funds
  • how you would like to receive the funds 

Once the form is complete and all necessary information is received, please allow 2-3 business days for funding decisions to be communicated. 

Following your initiative:

Successful applicants will be required to submit a final report following the initiative, including all final revenue and expenses. This should include a description of your participation in the initiative and how it contributed to personal growth and/or community service/engagement. 

Please submit your final report and budget, no later than 30 days after the conclusion of your initiative, via email to Tasha Drexler

These two submissions fulfill the fund reporting requirements. We are always happy to receive photos of your initiative too!

 For inquiries, contact Tasha Drexler in the Principal's Office.