
果酱视频 Ergonomic Consulting Program (QECP)

The Queen's Ergonomic Consulting Program is service for employees of 果酱视频, with offices on campus.

Assessments are performed by graduate students from the School of Kinesiology and Health Sciences at a cost of $100.00 per assessment. 

Consulting Services Provided

  • Worksite / Workstation Assessment
  • Ergonomic equipment recommendations and purchases
  • Equipment / Workstation Setup
  • Return to Work
  • Educational seminars:
    • Ergonomics
    • Repetitive Strain Injuries
    • Back Care and Lifting
    • Use of Ergonomic Equipment


Workplace pains and strains are primarily known as musculoskeletal disorders (MSD). They are also referred to as repetitive strain injuries (RSIS); cumulative trauma disorders (CTDS) or repetitive motion injuries (RMIS).

These types of injuries affect muscles, tendons, ligaments and nerves. MSDs develop as a result of the effect of repetitive, forceful or awkward movements on bones, joints, ligaments or other soft tissues. The symptoms such as discomfort, pain, numbness, tingling, weakness or restricted movements can result. There is a strong link between exposure to work related risk factors for MSDs and the development of these disorders.

However, these injuries can be prevented. Ergonomics applies scientific theory, principle and methods to explore the relationship between the worker, job tasks and the workplace. Ergonomic information can be applied to help design appropriate physical and cognitive working environments.

This section of the website has been developed to assist Faculty, Staff and Students to work safely and efficiently. Use the information provided to assess and modify your work area to help improve the safety, comfort and efficiency.

Employees are also invited to request an ergonomic assessment through the Queen鈥檚 Ergonomic Consulting Program.