Smoke-Free ¹û½´ÊÓƵ

Queen’s University is committed to protecting the health and wellness of our staff, faculty, students, visitors and other community members. Queen’s Canadian campuses and properties are smoke-free effective June 1, 2019.

Implementation of the smoke-free policy is guided by our adoption of the Okanagan Charter, a formal commitment by the university to the health and wellness of our students, staff and faculty. 

View ¹û½´ÊÓƵ's main campus smoke-free boundaries (PDF, 630 KB)

View ¹û½´ÊÓƵ's West Campus smoke-free boundaries (PDF, 329 KB)

If you require the smoke-free boundaries maps in an alternate format, please contact us.

Daniel R. Woolf, Former Principal and Vice-Chancellor ¹û½´ÊÓƵ University

The health and well-being of everyone on Queen’s campus, whether students, staff, faculty, or visitors, is of utmost importance to me, and the entire senior university administration. We want our community members to feel their best – and living, working, and studying in a smoke-free environment is a key step toward that goal.

Through the Smoke-Free University Policy, Queen’s commits to creating a space free of smoke exposure and to supporting those trying to quit with appropriate services and resources. With this policy, we also have a broader scope – to shift cultural norms around smoking and to encourage the greater population to make healthier choices that benefit everyone.

Cleaner air, and a cleaner, healthier campus – these are two things I fully support, and I believe that with the collective effort of everyone at Queen’s, the transition to a smoke-free campus will be smooth and respectful.

Elizabeth Eisenhauer OC MD FRCPC FRSC Professor Emerita ¹û½´ÊÓƵ University

Use of tobacco products remains the leading cause of preventable diseases in Canada, claiming more than 45,000 lives annually - that's 125 lives each day. Eliminating the suffering and burden of tobacco-related diseases requires a multi-pronged effort with regulatory, policy, medical and societal interventions.

Creating smoke-free places is one such intervention. To that end, I am pleased to support ¹û½´ÊÓƵ's new policy to become a smoke-free campus.

Creating smoke-free places is important not only to reducing second-hand smoke exposure, but also to motivating smoking cessation. Queen's will provide holistic support to staff, faculty and students in their efforts to quit.

By adopting this policy, we are advancing health promotion for our campus community and paving the way to a healthier future.


I know someone who would (or I would) like to quit smoking or vaping. What resources are available at Queen’s University to help?

Check out the Smoke-Free Queen's FAQs page for more information.

Questions on support resources? Contact Queen's HR

The Employee and Family Assistance Program (EFAP): 1.877.789.7572

Queen’s Student Wellness Services

Talking to a health professional can double or triple your chances of quitting successfully. Students who wish to cut down or quit smoking can  with a doctor and/or health promotion staff at Student Wellness Services. Through professional advice, coaching and resources you can learn what will work best for you.  Students can cut down or quit smoking with or without the help of nicotine replacement therapy (NRT).

  • Tobacco Information Line: 613-549-1232, ext. 1333 or Toll Free: 1-800-267-7875

 is a province-wide initiative that delivers smoking cessation treatment and counseling support to eligible Ontario smokers who wish to quit smoking.

Government of Canada  resources for youth and young adults.

Canadian Cancer Society  (1-877-513-5333) is a free, confidential service offering support and information about quitting smoking and tobacco use.  Get free, non-judgmental, personalized support. Call, text or go online to talk to a Quit Specialist to get the support you want, whenever you want it.

You can register to receive text support by texting "iQuit" to 123456. Text messaging and interpreter services in over 100 languages are also available in Ontario.

Smokers' Helpline serves five provinces and one territory in Canada, including: PEI, New Brunswick, Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Yukon. For quitline services in other provinces, visit . Funding varies by province/territory, so services may also vary.

Government of Ontario  includes some coverage for help for anyone 24 years or younger is not covered by a private plan and wants to quit smoking.

Walk or Run to Quit

Helps tobacco users quit smoking by learning to walk or run 5 km over the course of a 10-week training program. Walking and running can help you overcome withdrawals and cravings while cutting down or quitting smoking.

Smart Phone App 

  • Break it Off