The university recognizes the importance of, and is committed to, assisting Employees in their return to productive work following an absence due to injury or illness. This Procedure outlines the process for returning an Employee back to work following a Sick Leave or a work-related injury/illness.
This Procedure provides guidance to Employees and Employment Supervisors on reporting absences; however, for a work-related injury or illness, reference should be made to Queen’s University Environmental Health & Safety Incident Reporting Procedures.
Reference is also made to Sick Leave and Sick Leave Benefits. For full details, refer to the Human Resources .
Section 29 of the Integrated Accessibility Standards Regulation (191/11) under the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005 (“AODA”) requires every large employer to develop, document and have in place a return-to-work process for its Employees requiring Disability-related Accommodations in order to work. Employers of injured Employees have a duty under the Workplace Safety and Insurance Act, 1997 to co-operate in an early and safe return to work of the Employees who experience a work-related illness or injury.
Absence Resulting from Workplace Injury or Occupational Disease
Employees are required to notify their Employment Supervisor on the first day of absence, in accordance with the agreed-upon departmental absence reporting procedure.
If medical attention is required following an accident, injury, or Occupational Disease arising out of and in the course of employment, the Employee is required to have their regulated health professional complete a WSIB Form 2647 - Functional Abilities Form for Timely Return to Work (FAF). The Employee shall submit a copy of same to Employee Wellness Services.
Employment Supervisors are required to report any accident, injury, or Occupational Disease occurring at the workplace to the Department of Environmental Health and Safety and complete the required Incident Report through the Incident Reporting Procedures. This must be completed within 24 hours of when the Employment Supervisor becomes aware of the accident, injury, or Occupational Disease.
Employment Supervisors are required to notify Employee Wellness Services if the accident, injury, or Occupational Disease results in lost time and/or a need for Disability Accommodation.
Employment Supervisors will explore options for Alternate Work or Appropriate Accommodation with the Employee based on their abilities.
The Department of Environmental Health and Safety will submit the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) paperwork to the WSIB, including the WSIB Form 2647 - Functional Abilities Form for Timely Return to Work (FAF), if available.
In situations where the Employee’s Disability absence exceeds 3 working days or Disability Accommodation is likely required, the Department of Environmental Health and Safety will refer the incident to Employee Wellness Services. Employee Wellness Services, upon receipt of the FAF, will create a file, and if needed, will assess whether the Employee requires Disability Accommodation to perform the Bona Fide Occupational Requirements of their job, or whether Alternative Work is available for the Employee in accordance with the Workplace Accommodation Policy & Procedure.
Employee Wellness Services will develop a Return-to-Work Plan to outline the Employee’s duties upon returning to work through to their full duties. The Return-to-Work Plan will address the following:
- The Employee’s ability to perform the Bona Fide Occupational Requirements of their pre-Disability job and whether any Disability Accommodation may be necessary.
- Whether Temporary Alternative Work is available for the Employee,
- Hours of work and return-to-work schedule,
- The expected duration of any Disability Accommodations,
- Emergency response information, if applicable.
Employee Wellness Services, as appropriate, will forward a copy of the Return-to-Work Plan and FAF to the WSIB and the Department of Environmental Health and Safety.
The Employment Supervisor, Employee and Employee Wellness Services Lead will monitor and review the Return-to-Work Plan regularly until it has been completed. The Return-to-Work Plan may be modified, as required, if the Employee is not able to return to work as per the plan.
If not satisfied with the Return-to-Work Plan, the Employee may appeal the decision of Employee Wellness Services through a formal grievance process and/or through following the procedures outlined in the Harassment and Discrimination Prevention and Response Policy or the Grievance Procedure, if applicable.
Absence Resulting from Disability (non-workplace related)
Employees are required to notify their Employment Supervisor on the first day of absence, in accordance with their departmental absence reporting procedures.
The Employment Supervisor can request that Substantiated Medical Documentation be provided to Employee Wellness Services on the day of the absence. All medical information must be directed to Employee Wellness Services. Employee reimbursement for the cost of the requested medical documentation will be as set out in the relevant policy and/or collective agreement.
When requested, the Employee is required to provide additional relevant medical information to Employee Wellness Services in order to substantiate their entitlement to the Queen’s University Sick Leave Benefit. Employees seeking Sick Leave are expected to provide their fullest cooperation in providing any information or medical assessments relevant to determination of the Sick Leave request.
Employee Wellness Services may request that the Employee provide Substantiated Medical Documentation that is relevant to the Sick Leave being requested. Information received directly to Employee Wellness Services from the Regulated Health Professional shall be at the consent of the Employee.
Employee Wellness Services and the Employment Supervisor will assess whether the Employee is able to perform the Bona Fide Occupational Requirements of their job, or whether suitable Alternate Work is available for the Employee in accordance with the Workplace Accommodation Policy.
Employee Wellness Services develops a Return-to-Work Plan which outlines the Employee’s duties upon returning to work through to their return to full duties. The Return-to-Work Plan will address the following:
- The Employee’s ability to perform the Bona Fide Occupational Requirements of their pre-Disability job and whether any Disability Accommodations may be necessary;
- Whether Temporary Alternative Work is available for the Employee,
- Outline the gradual return of tasks and duties if relevant,
- The expected duration of any Temporary Disability Accommodations required; and
- Emergency Response Information, if applicable.
The Employment Supervisor, Employee and Employee Wellness Services Lead will monitor and review the Return-to-Work Plan regularly until it has been completed. The Return-to-Work Plan may be modified, as required, if the Employee is not able to return to work as per the plan.
In situations where the Employee cannot be Accommodated in their existing job due to Undue Hardship or where the functional/cognitive abilities, limitations prohibit an employee from fulfilling for BFOR of their existing job, the Employee will be referred to the University Accommodation Program.
If not satisfied with the Return-to-Work Plan, the Employee may appeal the decision of Employee Wellness Services through the formal grievance process and/or through following the procedures outlined in the Harassment and Discrimination Prevention and Response Policy or the Grievance Procedure, if applicable.
Contact Officer: Director, Employee Wellness Services
Date for Next Review: 2029
Related Policies, Procedures and Guidelines:
- Workplace Accommodation Policy
- Accessibility Policy
- Return to Work Policy
- Sick Leave Policy and Procedure
- Harassment and Discrimination Prevention and Response Policy and Procedure
- Grievance Procedure
- Employment Equity Policy
- Employment Equity Procedure
- All collective agreements between Ƶ at Kingston and Employee groups