Campus and Community Engagement聽Sustainability Sub-Working Group

The work of the Campus and Community Engagement Sustainability Sub-Working Group is now part of Queen鈥檚 UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)-focused work led by the Principal鈥檚 Advisory Council on SDGs.

Summary of work: Campus and Community Engagement Sustainability Sub-Working Group

Co-Chairs: Warren Mabee and Pavel Graymason

Over the previous years, the Campus and Community Engagement Sub-Working Group engaged in several initiatives both within Queen鈥檚 as well as in the Kingston community, which included:

  1. Solar Picnic Tables: Queen鈥檚 Backing Action on the Climate Crisis (QBACC) brought forth a proposal to install solar picnic tables on campus, which the Sub-Working Group supported.
  2. Queen鈥檚 Global Summer: Organized by the Faculty of Arts and Science, Queen鈥檚 Global Summer was a six-week cross-disciplinary experiential learning summer program focused on the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This course set the tone for future training in SDGs and global development.
  3. Campus Greening Project: In 2022, the Sub-Working Group was approved for funding from the Sustainability Reserve for two summer student roles. The roles focused on supporting the work of the Sub-Working Group, including the partnership with Better Kingston Homes and Sustainable Kingston; and pulling together a view of all campus greening initiatives (e.g., community gardens, re-wilding) with the aim of informing future sustainability initiatives. A major part of this initiative was developing a better understanding of the role of volunteers on campus, and models for rewarding future volunteer efforts were developed through this initiative.

I. Mandate

To leverage engagement to champion sustainability-focused innovation and step-changes in the Kingston community. The core work of this sub-working group includes:

1. Communicate actions required for the University and community to achieve their sustainability goals and create a unified sustainability culture.

  • Develop and deliver a communications, branding and marketing strategy that will increase awareness and action.
  • Leverage partnerships and programs to drive awareness, understanding and cultural change.
  • Champion advancing research and pedagogy on community-engaged scholarship.
  • Translate sustainability/climate action research and practices for community understanding.

2. Deliver campus-based student, staff and faculty-driven activities and initiatives in the areas that directly contribute to making our campus a more sustainable community.

  • Evaluate the results of the 2021 Times Higher Education Impact Rankings, and identify gaps and opportunities across the 17 United Nations sustainable development goals (SDGs) to advance climate action initiatives and sustainability awareness. 
  • Develop and deliver educational programming, events, and professional development opportunities for the campus community and community partners. 

3. In recognition of our position in the community and the environment, lead the development of collaborative sustainable practices that enable the exploration of opportunities and implementation of actions to foster transformative social change with local impact. For example, we will develop and strengthen connections with the City of Kingston, Sustainable Kingston, the Cataraqui Region Conservation Authority, the Limestone District School Board, local Indigenous peoples, non-profit advocacy groups, social entrepreneurs, and community and neighbourhood organizations.

  • The working group will commit to setting benchmark goals and collaborate with the above stakeholders to achieve them.
  • The group commits to communicating these goals in association with communications professionals to ensure accountability and action toward goals.
  • The group will identify roadblocks to education and knowledge sharing.
  • The group will regularly review and recommend working group membership to ensure inclusivity of representation from the greater Kingston community. 

4. To receive, assess, discuss, review, and make recommendations regarding proposals and development planning that will support the expansion of current partnerships and the achievement of new ones. This will foster active and meaningful relationships with campus and community stakeholders, resulting in collaborative, change-oriented projects that promote human, cultural, economic and environmental wellbeing.

II. Roles & Responsibilities

The sub-working group shall fulfil an advisory role and as such will review and provide advice to the Sustainability Working Group pertaining to sustainability projects, initiatives and policies that advance the coordination of the university鈥檚 contributions and objectives related to our campus, and engagement with the larger post-secondary community/Kingston community.

The co-chair will provide updates on the work of the sub-working group to the Sustainability Working Group.

III. Duration of Membership Term

The membership term for staff, students and faculty can be for one, two, or three years based on availability. All appointments are renewable for a second term subject to member availability.

IV. Subject Matter Experts

The sub-working group may call in subject matter experts to help inform discussions.

V. Sustainability Sub-Working Group Membership

The sub-working group may call in subject matter experts to help inform discussions.

2021-22 Group Composition

Co-Chair: Warren Mabee

Co-Chair: Pavel Graymason

  Name   Title
Rachel Askett Citizen Appointee, Kingston Environmental Advisory Forum
Heather Cole Senior Advisor and Executive Director, 果酱视频 Office of the Principal
Bridget Doherty Councillor - Portsmouth District
Elsab茅 Falkson Vice President, Kingston Rotary Club
Kim Gascoigne Marketing Manager, 果酱视频 Hospitality Services
Olanike Gbadamosi Program Assistant, Smith School of Business
Brooke Gilmour Sustainability Manager, St. Lawrence College
Kenzie Kereluik Graduate Student Representative
Oonagh Maley Manager, Special Projects and Business Officer, Office of the VPFA
Mariya Marinova Assistant Professor, Royal Military College of Canada
Llynwen Osborne Resource Recovery & Sustainability Specialist

Sustainable Queen鈥檚 strives to ensure diverse and equitable participation in its initiatives. The sub-working group welcomes nominations from all interested members of the Queen鈥檚 community, and particularly invites nominations of women, people with disabilities, Indigenous community members, racialized community members, and members of the LGBTQ+ community. For more information or to submit a nomination, please contact us

Co-Chair: Warren Mabee

Co-Chair: Pavel Graymason

  Name   Title
Rachel Askett Citizen Appointee, Kingston Environmental Advisory Forum
Heather Cole Senior Advisor and Executive Director, 果酱视频 Office of the Principal
Bridget Doherty Councillor - Portsmouth District
Elsab茅 Falkson Vice President, Kingston Rotary Club
Kim Gascoigne Marketing Manager, 果酱视频 Hospitality Services
Catherine Gaudreau Special Projects Officer, Office of the VPFA
Brooke Gilmour Sustainability Manager, St. Lawrence College
Ishana Gopaul Manager, Special Projects and Business Officer, Office of the VPFA
Robert Kiley Councillor - Trillium District
Mariya Marinova Assistant Professor, Royal Military College of Canada
Kristin Mullin Executive Director, Sustainable Kingston
Nathan Splinter Manager, Energy and Sustainability, 果酱视频 Facilities
Molly Urquhart Student Representative, Alma Mater Society