Bob died at home on Dec. 3. He is mourned by his wife, Marilyn Hood, Arts’70, MEd’76; their combined family of children (including Darcie Greggs, Artsci’80, and Jonathon Greggs, Artsci’83) and grandchildren; and by Cooper the dog. Bob was predeceased in 1997 by his first wife, Robin (Howland), BA’54, and dogs Shandy, Georgie Girl, Tamworth, Candy, MacDuff, Tory, Casey, and Terra. Bob pursued knowledge all his life. He earned his BSc in geology from Queen’s, then advanced degrees from UBC, before returning to Queen’s as a professor of geological sciences. His expertise in sedimentary geology inspired many of his students as well as his own children (with both Darcie and Jonathon becoming geologists). Bob was known for his early work in the Canadian Rockies, on horseback no less, and for detailing the strata around southeastern Ontario. After leaving Queen’s, Bob moved west to work in the energy industry in Calgary until he retired.