Joan Schwartz elected to International Advisory Board of Institute of Art History in Prague

The Department of History and Art Conservation at Queen’s University is pleased to congratulate Professor Joan Schwartz on her appointment to the newly established International Advisory Board of the Institute of Art History of the Czech Academy of Sciences in Prague. Nominated for her expertise in “archives, acquisitions, teaching, research, and institutional discourse” as well as for her world-recognized contributions to scholarship on nineteenth-century photography, Professor Schwartz is one of only seven distinguished international scholars on the inaugural Advisory Board.

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Beat the COVID-19 blues! Take a virtual trip to Tuscany in new online student exhibition

Travel restrictions got you down? This is the perfect moment to check out the new virtual exhibition, Locating the Materials of Italian Renaissance Sculpture, created by the students in Professor Una D’Elia’s fall 2019 seminar A Material History of Italian Renaissance Sculpture (ARTH 485/840).  to follow the interactive digital maps and explore the materials and techniques of colour sculptures in the Tuscany region.

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Queen’s Museum of Near Eastern Archaeology, online exhibit by Art History graduate J. Elyse Richardson and Prof. B. Reeves.

A black and white photo of a canyonElyse Richardson, who recently graduated with a degree in Classics and Art History ('20), began this project in September 2019 as an independent research paper under her supervisor Dr. Barbara Reeves (Classics).

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M.A. candidate traces history of Northern Ontario's Visual Culture

With the support of an Eccles Centre Visiting Fellowship, Shaelagh Cull visited the British Library in January to do her M.A. (Art History) research on the history of art, craft and trade in the James Bay region of Northern Ontario. Recently, she shared some of her findings in the British Library’s special Summer Scholars blog series, which highlights research supported by Eccles Centre awards recipients working with Caribbean, Canadian, and US collections at the British Library.  

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Launch of Prof. Ron Spronk's "Closer to Van Eyck"

Since 2012, the website Closer to Van Eyck—coordinated by Queen’s Professor Ron Spronk—has made it possible for anyone to zoom in on the intricate, breathtaking details of one of the most celebrated works of art in the world: the Ghent Altarpiece. An 800% increase in visitors since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic indicates that Closer to Van Eyck is being regarded as a welcome alternative for traditional museum visits, reaching more than 256,000 people in 2020 so far.

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