State of the Federation

We are planning our next conference - coming soon.

State of the Federation 2019

Green Finance: New Directions in Sustainable Finance Research and Policy

La finance verte: Nouvelles directions en recherche et en politiques publiques de la finance durable

Conference Co-Chairs: Sean Cleary (Smith School of Business) and J. Andrew Grant (Political Studies)

Donald Gordon Centre
果酱视频, Kingston, Ontario

Held 14-15 June 2019

Program [PDF 559 KB]

The 2015 Paris Agreement represented the commitment of 197 nations to limit global warming to no more than 2掳C, setting climate resilience and clean growth as one of the most influential multi-level governance opportunities of the 21st century. This set a new direction for even the world鈥檚 most progressive economies, requiring a sea of change in the interaction between rapid technological innovation, international policies, consumption patterns, and investment behaviours. Canada remains committed to the Paris Agreement as outlined in the 2016 Pan-Canadian Framework on Clean Growth and Climate Change, which prescribes a concerted focus to translate climate goals into transformative economic policies and sustainable financial practices. It is universally accepted that finance plays a critical role in achieving the transition to a clean economy, and that it will require significant collaboration and governance co-ordination between private and public financial institutions, and with policy makers. The quest for energy and natural resources in Canada can be quenched through a clear path of transformations in the financial sector. Canada has the chance to become a world leader in showing that low-carbon-economy bears incredible economic and societal opportunities. In this evolving global economy, businesses, insurance companies, banks, pension funds, mutual funds, academia, not-for-profit, and government institutions must have the knowledge about financial risks of stalling action around climate change, and recognize that sustainability is crucial to Canada鈥檚 long-term success. 

This conference serves as an ideal opportunity to engage leaders from academics, civil society, financial industry and government to share interests, present new research ideas, reflect on multi-level governance trends, and discuss current and challenging issues in sustainable finance. Organized by Dr. J. Andrew Grant (Department of Political Studies) and Dr. Sean Cleary (Smith School of Business), the conference will bring experts from these sectors to Queen鈥檚 University in order to disseminate and exchange such insights with fellow participants as well as the Queen鈥檚 community and public. Ultimately, the goal of the conference is to serve as a platform for building new research collaborations aimed at contributing to the transition of Canada鈥檚 financial system to one in which sustainable growth is engrained in everyday policy decisions and business practices.

Canada at 150: Federalism and Democratic Renewal/Le Canada 脿 150 ans: F茅d茅ralisme et renouveau d茅mocratique

Donald Gordon Centre, 果酱视频, Kingston, Ontario
16-17 June 2017

Agenda [PDF 1 MB]

Program [PDF 1.6 MB]

Canada鈥檚 150th anniversary provides an occasion to celebrate, take stock of, and critically reflect on the political institutions that serve the country鈥檚 people and provinces and territories. The Trudeau Liberals have overhauled the Senate appointment process, and re-engaged provinces after a decade of 鈥渙pen federalism鈥. This government has committed to formally extending intergovernmental relations to include Aboriginals, a change that may help repair relationships with Aboriginal peoples and honour the fundamental right to self-governance, and has put municipal governance in the reform agenda too. We are also witnessing attention to institutions with critical implications for federalism and the representation of provinces and territories, focussing on the Supreme Court and the electoral system.

Our distinguished roster of speakers discussed enduring questions about the functioning of federalism and intergovernmental relations in Canada, including how we should evaluate the quality of Canada鈥檚 institutions and practices in light of our federal structure, and how current institutional arrangements and their possible alternatives fare according to these criteria.

Canadian Federalism and Infrastructure/F茅d茅ralisme canadien et infrastructures

Donald Gordon Centre, 果酱视频, Kingston, Ontario
4-6 June 2015

Agenda [PDF 213.4 KB]

The annual Institute of Intergovernmental Relations State of the Federation conference was held at the Donald Gordon Centre, 果酱视频, Kingston, Ontario, on June 4-6, 2015. The focus of the conference was on the intergovernmental dimensions and implications of the massive infrastructure investments required to be made by all three orders of government. Conference sessions were devoted to the role of infrastructure investments in Canada's development; the infrastructure 'Report Card'; jurisdictional issues in a federal system; decision processes for infrastructure investments; innovative approaches to financing infrastructure investment; infrastructure and First Nations; and lessons to be learned from the infrastructure experience of other countries.

Included in the conference was the Kenneth R. MacGregor Lecture, delivered by Professor Jose A. Gomez-Ibanez, the Derek C. Bok Professor of Urban Planning and Public Policy, Harvard Kennedy School. Professor Gomez-Ibanez currently serves as co-chair of the Infrastructure in a Market Economy executive program at the Kennedy School.


La conf茅rence annuelle de l'Institut des relations intergouvernementales sur l'茅tat de la f茅d茅ration se tiendra du 4 au 6 juin 2015 au Centre Donald Gordon de l'Universit茅 Queen's, 脿 Kingston en Ontario. Elle portera sur les dimensions et les implications intergouvernementales des investissements massifs en infrastructure que devront faire les trois ordres de gouvernement. La conf茅rence comportera des sessions sur le r么le des investissements en infrastructure dans le d茅veloppement du Canada; le 芦 bulletin 禄 des infrastructures; les questions de juridiction; la prise de decisions pour les investissements en infrastructure; infrastructures et Premi猫res Nations; et les le莽ons 脿 tirer des exp茅riences 茅trang猫res.

La conf茅rence Kenneth R. MacGregor fera partie de la conf茅rence. Elle sera prononc茅e par le professeur Jose A. Gomez-Ibanez qui est 芦 Derek Bok Professor of Urban Planning and Public Policy 禄 de la Kennedy School de Harvard. Le professeur Gomez-Ibanez co-preside actuellement le programme pour les cadres "Infrastructure in a Market Economy" de la Kennedy School.


Aboriginal Multilevel Governance/La gouvernance autochtone 脿 paliers multiples

Kingston, Ontario
28-30 November 2013

In 2003, the Institute of Intergovernmental Relations held its annual State of the Federation conference on the theme of Aboriginal-State relations. The conference highlighted the disjuncture between the institutions and policies that govern our relations and a rapidly changing Aboriginal reality on the ground. Ten years later, the Idle No More movement starkly reminds Canada of its limited success in addressing Aboriginal rights and land claims, not to mention the ongoing socio-economic challenges facing First Nations, M茅tis and Inuit communities.

Addressing the complex legacies and ongoing consequences of colonialism is a challenging task. Not only is it exceedingly difficult to transform deeply rooted institutions, practices and attitudes, but there are also fundamental disagreements as to the direction change should take. What has become increasingly clear in recent years is that the federal government cannot act alone. Aboriginal peoples are no longer willing to see policy reforms imposed from the top without appropriate consultation and substantive participation. Many communities and nations are also revitalizing traditional models of governance, thereby inviting Canadian authorities to recognize alternative forms of decision-making. Moreover, while some Aboriginal nations are reluctant to engage with provincial and territorial authorities, many core issues facing communities relate to areas of provincial jurisdictions, from education and health care to lands and resources management. Provinces and territories are therefore increasingly active at developing their own approaches to relationships with Aboriginal peoples. Aboriginal governance is, in other words, an increasingly multilevel reality.

The shift from a federal-centred to a multilevel model of Aboriginal governance is also reflected in the growing number of bilateral and trilateral governance arrangements that have emerged in recent years in response to ongoing political and judicial developments. Self-government and land claims settlements are but one example of such arrangements. Lesser-known but nonetheless significant sector-specific agreements between Aboriginal, federal, provincial and territorial governments in areas as diverse as lands and resources management, training, education, health care, child welfare and housing, to name a few, also contribute to the reconfiguration of Aboriginal governance. While the constitutional foundations of Aboriginal-state relations are not altered by these agreements, they do transform practices of governance and policy-making.

The 2013 State of the Federation conference will focus on the implications, challenges and transformative potential of these developments, with a focus on the growing interplay between Aboriginal, federal, provincial and territorial governments in the context of multilevel governance. What can we learn from Aboriginal nations and communities that are seeking to reassert their own approaches to governance? Can Aboriginal, provincial, territorial and federal governments work together in developing innovative approaches to multilevel governance? Do existing governance arrangements in, for example, natural resources management or in the delivery of social services, create opportunities for real and substantive Aboriginal participation in decision-making? What are, in other words, the main challenges, limits of such models? And what are the implications of these multilevel arrangements for Aboriginal rights and political aspirations, as well as for Canadian federalism? Can they be conducive to fundamental changes in our relationships?

We will explore these questions through a series of panels designed to facilitate dialogue between researchers and practitioners of Aboriginal governance along the following themes:

Aboriginal perspectives on governance

  • Innovative approaches in revitalizing traditional governance practices
  • Self-determination through community-based constitution-making

Provincial and territorial perspectives on Aboriginal governance

  • What is (and should be) the role of provincial and territorial governments in Aboriginal governance?
  • Key challenges in developing sustained Aboriginal, provincial relations

Multilevel governance agreements: lessons from the field

  • Trilateral agreements in education, health, housing: do they work?
  • Accountability in multilevel governance regimes: accountable to whom, and how?
  • Urban Aboriginal multilevel initiatives

Multilevel governance in the natural resources economy

  • The changing role of Aboriginal peoples in natural resources development: emerging practices in forestry, mining and the oil and gas industry
  • Consultation and accommodation: evolution, limits and practical implications
  • The politics of revenue sharing

Multilevel governance under modern treaties: lessons learned and the way forward

  • The potential and limits of treaties as multilevel governance models
  • The challenges of treaty implementation

M茅tis Multilevel Governance

  • Implications of Daniels and Manitoba Metis Federation court decisions
  • Innovate practices in M茅tis governance

Governance and the grassroots: lessons from the Idle No More movement


Comparative perspectives on Aboriginal governance in federal state


En 2003, la conf茅rence annuelle sur l'茅tat de la f茅d茅ration de l'Institut des relations intergouvernementales a port茅 sur les relations entre les Autochtones et les gouvernements. La conf茅rence a soulign茅 l?incoh茅rence des institutions et des politiques qui r茅gissent ces relations d?une part et les nouvelles r茅alit茅s autochtones d?autre part. Dix ans plus tard, le mouvement 芦 Idle No More 禄 nous rappelle brutalement le peu de progr猫s pour donner suite aux droits et aux revendications territoriales autochtones, pour ne rien dire des d茅fis socio-茅conomiques auxquels font face les communaut茅s des Premi猫res nations, des M茅tis et des Inuits.

Faire face 脿 l'h茅ritage complexe et aux cons茅quences du colonialisme n?est pas une t芒che facile. Non seulement est-il tr猫s difficile de transformer des institutions, des pratiques et des attitudes fortement enracin茅es, mais la marche 脿 suivre donne lieu 脿 de profonds d茅saccords. Depuis quelques ann茅es, ce qui devient de plus en plus clair, c?est que le gouvernement f茅d茅ral ne peut pas faire cavalier seul. Les peuples autochtones n?acceptent plus que les r茅formes leur soient impos茅es d?en haut sans consultations appropri茅es et sans une participation r茅elle. De nombreuses communaut茅s et nations sont en train de r茅animer des mod猫les de gouvernance traditionnels et ce faisant d?inviter les autorit茅s canadiennes 脿 reconnaitre de nouvelles fa莽ons de gouverner. En outre, m锚me si certaines nations autochtones h茅sitent 脿 traiter avec les gouvernements provinciaux et territoriaux, plusieurs des questions centrales auxquelles les communaut茅s font face rel猫vent de la juridiction des provinces, de l?茅ducation et la sant茅 脿 la gestion des terres et des ressources. Les provinces et les territoires consacrent donc de plus en plus d?efforts 脿 d茅velopper leurs propres fa莽ons d?aborder leurs rapports avec les peuples autochtones. Autrement dit, la gouvernance autochtone devient une r茅alit茅 脿 paliers multiples.

Le passage d'un mod猫le de gouvernance autochtone centr茅 sur le gouvernement f茅d茅ral 脿 un mod猫le 脿 paliers multiples est aussi marqu茅 par l'茅mergence au cours des derni猫res ann茅es d'un nombre croissant d'arrangements bilat茅raux ou trilat茅raux 脿 la suite de d茅veloppements politiques ou juridiques. L'autonomie gouvernementale et les r猫glements des r茅clamations territoriales en sont des exemples. La gouvernance autochtone est aussi en train d'锚tre redessin茅e par des ententes; moins connues mais significatives entre les gouvernements autochtones, f茅d茅ral, provinciaux et territoriaux dans des secteurs qui vont de la gestion des terres et des ressources, 脿 la formation, l'茅ducation, les soins de sant茅, l'aide 脿 l'enfance et le logement. M锚me si le fondement constitutionnel des rapports entre l'茅tat et les Autochtones n'est pas modifi茅 par ces ententes, ils transforment r茅ellement les fa莽ons de gouverner.

La conf茅rence sur l'茅tat de la f茅d茅ration de 2013 va se pencher sur les implications et les d茅fis de ces d茅veloppements ainsi que sur leur capacit茅 de changer les choses en examinant surtout les interactions de plus en plus nombreuses entre les gouvernements autochtones, f茅d茅ral, provinciaux et territoriaux. Que pouvons-nous apprendre des nations et communaut茅s autochtones qui cherchent 脿 faire reconna卯tre leurs propres fa莽ons de gouverner? Les divers gouvernements en cause peuvent-ils s'entendre pour inventer des fa莽ons de gouverner 脿 plusieurs paliers? Les arrangements actuels, par exemple pour la gestion des ressources naturelles ou la livraison des services sociaux, encouragent-ils une participation autochtone r茅elle 脿 la prise de d茅cisions? Autrement dit, quelles sont les limites de tels arrangements? Et quelles en sont les cons茅quences pour les droits des Autochtones et leurs aspirations politiques, et pour le f茅d茅ralisme canadien? Peuvent-ils mener 脿 des changements en profondeur dans nos relations?

Nous allons explorer ces questions gr芒ce 脿 une s茅rie de panels destin茅s 脿 faciliter le dialogue entre chercheurs et praticiens selon les th猫mes suivants:

  • Perspectives autochtones sur la gouvernance
  • Perspectives provinciales et territoriales
  • Ententes 脿 paliers multiples : les le莽ons du terrain
  • Gouvernance 脿 paliers multiples et 茅conomie des ressources naturelles
  • Gouvernance 脿 paliers multiples et trait茅s modernes : le莽ons et pistes
  • M茅tis et gouvernance 脿 paliers multiples
  • Gouvernance et terrain : le莽ons du mouvement "Idle No More

Regions, Resources, and Resiliency

Kingston, Ontario
November 29 - December 1, 2012

Regions, Resources, and Resiliency

The theme of this volume was triggered by Richard Simeon, the outstanding scholar of federalism who passed away in October 2013, and it is dedicated in his honour.

As recent Canadian debates about resource development, "Dutch disease", and employment insurance demonstrate, regional tensions remain alive and well in the Canadian federation. Past regional disputes often centred on questions of federal government 'fairness' to particular provinces, most notably Quebec. While the outcome of the recent Quebec election will likely re-open and broaden those debates, the  economic, political and social implications of the unequal distribution of natural and human resources among provinces will remain.  In the current market, natural resource-rich provinces, including Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Newfoundland and Labrador, enjoy fiscal capacities far superior to other provinces, and wrestle with labour market supply challenges.  At the same time, provinces with fewer natural resource industries, including Ontario and Quebec, struggle with manufacturing industry decline and relatively high unemployment.  Such differences lead to (often heated) discussions about the impact of natural resource economies on the value of the dollar, the appropriate model for employment insurance, and the federal equalization program, among other issues.

The State of the Federation 2012 conference brought together academics, policymakers and politicians to engage in a constructive dialogue about regionalism, resources, and the resiliency of the Canadian federal system, keeping in mind the  renewed challenge created by the election of the Parti Qu茅b茅cois.  Questions to be considered will include:

  • How do provincial and regional differences in economic capacity impact upon Canadian federalism? Do the current economic strains represent a unique challenge to Canadian national unity, or do they simply reflect the country's long history of regionalism?
  • To what extent do Canada's natural resource industries benefit the Canadian economy? To what extent do they create pressures for other industries? Do Canada's federal institutions hinder or promote the ability of the economy to respond to global economic shifts?
  • Should Canada pursue national policy approaches, such as a national energy strategy, in areas of provincial or concurrent jurisdiction? If so, what national approaches are needed and how can they be achieved?
  • Do the current intergovernmental structures allow for constructive dialogue about national policy issues? Are other institutional arrangements require?
  • Does Canada need new concepts of provincial and regional 'fairness' and 'equity'?
  • What lessons, if any, might be learned from other federal systems? What lessons might be learned from Canada's past?
  • How will the recent Quebec election change the Canadian landscape and the way we address new and not-so-new challenges?

Co-hosted with


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In partnership with:

Federal Idea

Forum of Federations




The Changing Federal Environment: Rebalancing Roles?/Un jeu d'茅quilibres en mutation?

1-3 December 2011

The Changing Federal Environment: Rebalancing Roles?/Un jeu d'茅quilibres en mutation?

In the last decade, Canadians have been witnessing a change in the Canadian federal environment. The creation of the Council of the Federation in 2003, the strength of the resource sector, the growing attention paid to the North, changes to the equalization formula and the readjustments of fiscal arrangements, the "new" Ontario, the changing partisan landscape in Canada, the view that Qu茅bec's influence is declining in the federation, and "open federalism" (and its actual practice), are all manifestations of the changing federal environment.

More specific illustrations are Saskatchewan's stance on foreign investment in potash, regional initiatives on climate change, new provincial demands for a larger role in international trade negotiations, widespread opposition to a national securities regulator, with the important exception of Ontario, attempts at institutional reform of the Senate and the House of Commons and NL's, NS's and Quebec's position on the Lower Churchill project. Provincial governments are not hesitating to assert themselves in protecting their interests.

For the State of the Federation 2011, the Institute of Intergovernmental Relations (IIGR) will explore this "new" Canadian federal environment, looking specifically at the role of the provinces and of the territories. Are we witnessing a redefinition of roles?

Les Canadiens ont assist茅 depuis 10 ans 脿 une transformation de l'environnement f茅d茅ral dont t茅moignent de nombreuses manifestations : cr茅ation en 2003 du Conseil de la f茅d茅ration, renforcement du secteur des ressources, focalisation grandissante sur le Nord, modifications 脿 la formule de p茅r茅quation et rajustements des arrangements fiscaux, 芦 nouvel 禄 Ontario, r茅alignements partisans, l'id茅e que l'influence du Qu茅bec dans la f茅d茅ration diminue, adoption (et mise en pratique) du 芦 f茅d茅ralisme ouvert 禄.

Pour illustrer plus pr茅cis茅ment cette transformation, citons notamment la position de la Saskatchewan sur les investissements 茅trangers dans l'industrie de la potasse, les initiatives r茅gionales en mati猫re de changement climatique, les demandes des provinces en vue d'茅largir leur r么le dans les n茅gociations commerciales internationales, l'opposition g茅n茅ralis茅e (脿 l'importante exception de l'Ontario) 脿 la cr茅ation d'un organisme de r茅glementation des valeurs mobili猫res, les tentatives de r茅forme institutionnelle du S茅nat et de la Chambre des communes ainsi que la position de Terre-Neuve, de la Nouvelle-脡cosse et du Qu茅bec sur le projet du cours inf茅rieur de Churchill. Clairement, les provinces n'h茅sitent plus 脿 s'affirmer pour prot茅ger leurs int茅r锚ts.

脌 l'occasion de la conf茅rence 脡tat de la f茅d茅ration 2011, l'Institut des relations intergouvernementales (IRIG) examinera donc ce 芦 nouvel 禄 environnement f茅d茅ral en se penchant notamment  sur le r么le des provinces et territoires. Assiste-t-on 脿 une red茅finition de leurs r么les ?

Shifting Power: The New Ontario and what it means for Canada

Toronto, Ontario
19-20 November 2010

Shifting Power: The New Ontario and what it means for Canada

Canada's policy architecture evolved over the 20th Century. It built a protected national internal market, a strong manufacturing base centred in southwestern Ontario and a set of redistributive policies that supported less prosperous individuals and regions.

But Canada and the world are transforming rapidly. The country faces a set of important new realities:

  • Canadian prosperity is more evenly distributed across Canada's regions
  • Services and natural resources have emerged as the primary drivers of aggregate national growth and of regional inequality
  • Globalization and free trade mean that Canada is, more than ever, competing with countries around the world for investment, human capital, and markets for our goods and services
  • The recent global recession also means that governments across the federation are facing deficits, some of which are structural
  • Demographic changes, including an aging population, will compound the enormous fiscal pressure on many national and provincial programs

During most of the 20th Century, Ontario was unique among Canadian regions in its lack of a strong regional identity, moderating and complicating conflicts over the role of the federal government. Ontarians' stronger support for the federal government during this period was a defining characteristic of many of Canada's political and constitutional debates. It is possible that this feature of Canadian political life is evolving.

To what extent is current public policy capable of addressing these realities? What changes are required to ensure that Canada is positioned to retain and build upon its competitive advantage in the global economy while ensuring the adequacy of programs that its citizens rely upon? To what extent does the policy architecture of the 20th Century, including regional redistribution, need to be modified to reflect recent economic and demographic shifts within the federation? What are the signs and implications of the evolving attitudes to the federation among Ontarians and other Canadians?

Institute of Intergovernmental Relations at 果酱视频 partnered with the Mowat Centre to deliver the annual State of the Federation Conference on November 19-20, 2010, at the University of Toronto.

Some of Canada's foremost scholars, thought leaders and public sector executives examined Ontario's changing role in the Canadian federation and the implications for our national politics and economy.

2008: Carbon Pricing and Environmental Federalism

Climate change that is attributable to global warming has emerged as one of the most significant public-policy issues for governments in the twenty-first century. Respecting neither intranational nor international boundaries, the emissions giving rise to the problem are especially difficult to combat in a multi-level state such as Canada, where environmental responsibility is shared by the federal and provincial governments.

Jointly sponsored by the Queen's Institute for Energy and Environmental Policy and by Sustainable Prosperity and held in Kingston, Ontario.

2007: Open Federalism and the Spending Power

The purpose of the conference was, first, to address the varieties of ways Ottawa and the provinces share roles and responsibilities in the day to day practice of Canadian federalism and then to compare these practices with institutional frameworks provided by our Constitution. The conference then addressed the potential, in light of practices of "open federalism," for providing more principled approaches to power sharing and in particular for a more principled (and constitutional) approach to the exercise of power.

2003: Reconfiguring Aboriginal-State Relations