Terms of Reference
I. Background
In response to the Review of Student Academic Accommodations and Considerations Policies and Procedures at Queen’s (the report), the Provost and Vice-Principal (Academic) initiated the formation of an advisory working group. This time-limited group is tasked with addressing several pressing accommodation issues, as outlined under recommendation 9 of the report.
II. Mandate
The primary objectives of this working group are to:
- Investigate and propose resolutions for the issues outlined under recommendation 9 in the report.
- Ensure these issues are resolved as quickly as possible, ensuring a fair and equitable academic environment for all students and faculty.
The interim working group is advisory to the Provost and Vice-Principal (Academic).
III. Scope of Work
- The working group will focus on the following key issues, as outlined in the report:
- 7-day Extension Accommodation: Address the misunderstanding and dissatisfaction with the 7-day extension accommodation and its interaction with the Self-Declaration of a Brief Absence. The group will explore the concerns regarding the standardized nature of this extension and its applicability across different learning environments and forms of evaluation.
- Options to meet course requirements: Clarify who has the authority to determine the suitability of dropping, delaying, or reweighting assignments and/or finding alternatives to meet course essential requirements.
- Retroactive Accommodations: Clarify who should approve retroactive accommodations.
- Confidentiality and Intellectual Property: Explore possible/perceived violations of confidentiality and intellectual property through the use of technology such as GLEAN or NoteQ and approved alternatives.
- Responsibility Beyond Course Instructors: Define under what circumstances the implementation of accommodations extends beyond the sole responsibility of a course instructor, such as the provision of technology and support to provide virtual or hybrid classes, labs, or fieldwork, and the subsequent procedure to provide approved accommodation.
IV. Deliverables
The working group is expected to produce the following deliverables:
- A report detailing findings and proposed remedies for each of the key issues identified in the scope of work.
V. Timeline
- Start Date: September 2024
- Final Report Submission: Spring 2025
VI. Membership
- Niki Boytchuk-Hale,Queen’s Rector
- Catherine Donnelly, Associate Professor, School of Rehabilitation Therapy, and Director, Health Services and Policy Research Institute
- Matthew Evans, Provost and Vice-Principal (Academic) and Chair
- Brian Frank, Professor, Smith Engineering, and Smith Engineering Faculty Senator
- Cynthia Gibney, Executive Director, Student Wellness Services
- Cathy Keates, Assistant Dean, Student Affairs
- Carlyn McQueen, Communication and Project Manager, Office of the Provost (Academic) and Committee Secretary
- Heidi Penning, Associate Director, Equity and Accessibility Services
- Jacob Reesor, Student Representative, School of Religion
- Melissa Seal, Legal Counsel
- Stephanie Simpson, Vice-Principal (Culture, Equity, and Inclusion)
- Jenn Stephenson, Associate Dean (Academic), Faculty of Arts and Science
- Gavan Watson, Vice-Provost (Teaching and Learning)