January 2024
Queen's Board of Trustees approved updates to the Policy on Sexual Misconduct and Sexual Violence Involving Students at its December 2023 meeting.
February 2023
The university has received a report from expert external consultants that will guide updates to the Policy on Sexual Violence Involving 果酱视频 Students, as well as additional changes to processes and supports to students involved in formal complaint processes.
The report is part of a regular, scheduled policy review that began in fall 2022, reflecting Queen鈥檚 ongoing commitment to addressing sexualized violence. The university initiated the review by engaging the Canadian Centre for Legal Innovation in Sexual Assault Response (), a charitable, non-partisan group with academic and professional expertise in legal responses to sexualized violence. CCLISAR has worked with several Canadian universities to review and recommend enhancements to their sexual violence policies.
Recommendations from the report will be implemented to help ensure the university is providing the most effective and trauma-informed response to formal complaints, in alignment with evolving best practices for addressing sexual violence complaints within the post-secondary sector.
Several operational recommendations can be implemented immediately.
The process for developing updates to the policy, which will include campus consultation, will also begin immediately through the appropriate governance pathways. The revised policy will be brought to the Board of Trustees for approval.
A Note to Readers
The report at the link below discusses sexualized violence and includes descriptions of the experience of Queen鈥檚 students involved in the formal reporting process.
We recognize this is a difficult topic. If you feel overwhelmed at any point while reading this document or reflecting on the topics of this report, please pay attention to your needs.
Students can review these sexual violence-related services and resources.
Faculty and staff can access supports through the Employee and Family Assistance Program.
September 2022
Sexual violence is a reality on university campuses and many students will experience or know someone who has experienced sexual violence during their time at post-secondary.
Queen鈥檚 is strongly committed to promoting a positive learning, living and working environment in which sexual violence is not tolerated. We work in partnership with students and community organizations to help prevent sexual violence through education, awareness, policy, fostering a culture of consent, community building, and safety programs. We also provide .
This year, the university is reviewing its Policy on Sexual Violence Involving Queen鈥檚 University Students to ensure we continue to have effective and trauma-informed responses and processes to address sexualized violence.
The policy is scheduled for regular review in 2023, and this review process is expected to be completed for 2023-24.
The review will focus on the effectiveness of the policy, along with other university policies and procedures with which it intersects. The primary emphasis will be on our formal reporting processes and procedures.
Review Structure and Process
Stephanie Simpson, AVP (Human Rights, Equity and Inclusion) and Ann Tierney, VP and Dean of Student Affairs, co-chairs of the university鈥檚 , are co-leading the review.
The task force, comprising students, staff, faculty, and community, will play an important role in the review, as it has historically been involved in providing input and insight in policy development and supports to students, as well as training programs, awareness and education resources related to sexual violence prevention and response.
The Canadian Centre for Legal Innovation in Sexual Assault Response (), a charitable, non-partisan group with academic and professional expertise in legal responses to sexualized violence, has been engaged by the co-leads to conduct the review. CCLISAR has worked with several Canadian universities on their policies, and will help ensure Queen鈥檚 policy and related procedures align with evolving best practices.
Consultations will take place this fall, and it is expected the university will receive a report in February that will include any recommended revisions and updates to the policy. The task force will then help determine the revisions or updates to the policy that will go through the university鈥檚 policy review process and will be brought to the Board of Trustees for approval.
Questions about the review can be emailed to studentaffairs@queensu.ca.
Policy Documents
Policy on Sexual Violence Involving Queen鈥檚 University Students
Interim Policy Regarding Employee Sexual Misconduct Towards Students