Queen's Vice-Principal Research invites you to join us for a Town Hall on October 18, 2023, from 8:30AM-12:30PM for a research security update.
The research security landscape in Canada increased in prominence in 2021 with the implementation of Safeguarding Research Guidelines by the federal government and Ontario provincial government. The early implementation of these guidelines was aimed at a very narrow subset of funded research programs, namely the NSERC Alliance program and the Ontario Research Fund programs. Since February 2023, the scope of these guidelines expanded with directives from both the federal and provincial government to make them applicable to all research partnerships at the institution. In addition, the federal government has promised new guidelines, applicable to all federally funded programs including the Tri-Agencies and CFI, which will have implications for which foreign institutions a researcher can partner with and still be eligible for federal research funding. The Ontario Ministry of Colleges and Universities have also made several recent changes to their research security processes. With those changes in mind, the VP Research is of the view that this is an opportune time to update our research community on these changes and provide an opportunity for them to give feedback on how their implementation will impact their research program. In turn, this will help the VP Research to design processes and support infrastructure that is responsive to the needs of our community. The town hall is open to all faculty members at Queen’s University (including those who are cross-appointed to Kingston Health Sciences Centre, Providence Care, Royal Military College or St. Lawrence College) engaged in research, as well as research administrators.
- Opening address from the Vice-Principal Research, Dr. Nancy Ross
- Special presentation from Public Safety Canada: The big picture threat landscape and federal research security support infrastructure
- Safeguarding your Research at Queen's presentation: Featuring Ricardo Smalling, Legal Counsel and Director, Research Data Privacy and Security, and Lisa Kozycz, Research Security and Compliance Advisor
- Q&A support session
- Light lunch and refreshments will be provided
This is an in-person only event.
Please send questions to research@queensu.ca